1) Richard was a little jumpy two days ago.
2) You look/seem jumpy today. What happened?
čtvrtek 27. prosince 2007
středa 12. prosince 2007
neděle 9. prosince 2007
středa 7. listopadu 2007
sobota 3. listopadu 2007
neděle 14. října 2007
sobota 6. října 2007
pondělí 25. června 2007
neděle 24. června 2007
sobota 16. června 2007
pátek 8. června 2007
sobota 2. června 2007
SORT something OUT
SORT OUT something
1) We sorted our problems out and everything is fine now. / We sorted out our problems and everything is fine now.
2) We have to sort some things out between us. / We have to sort out some things between us.
3) It´s time to sort it out!
4) Our problems were sorted out.
SORT OUT something
1) We sorted our problems out and everything is fine now. / We sorted out our problems and everything is fine now.
2) We have to sort some things out between us. / We have to sort out some things between us.
3) It´s time to sort it out!
4) Our problems were sorted out.
pátek 25. května 2007
sobota 19. května 2007
čtvrtek 3. května 2007
pátek 27. dubna 2007
1) Můj manžel je závislý na drogách a alkoholu. My husband is addicted to drugs and alcohol.
2) Byl to nejlepší den mého života a nepřeháním. It was the best day of my life and I'm not exaggerating.
3) Potom ho zbičovali kočeným bičem. Then they whipped him with a leather whip.
4) Co mám dělat? Chce se mi zvracet. What shall I do? I feel like throwing up.
5) Ráda sází na koně. She likes betting on horses.
6) Takže tě vyhodili kvůli mně? So they fired you because of me?
7) Přestaň si cucat palec! Stop sucking your thumb!
8) Obvykle má úžasné fotky. He´s got usually breathtaking photos.
9) Jste dost dobří studenti! You are pretty good students!
10) Nebuď takový slaboch! Don´t be such a sissy!
11) Co tím myslíš? What do you mean by that?
12) Měla malé, úhledné písmo. She had small, neat handwriting.
13) Snažil se ji uklidnit. He tried to soothe her.
14) Chtěli jsme si rezervovat pokoj, ale nebylo volno. We wanted to book a room but there were no vacancies.
white trash - white people who are poor and badly educated (in the USA)
1) Můj manžel je závislý na drogách a alkoholu. My husband is addicted to drugs and alcohol.
2) Byl to nejlepší den mého života a nepřeháním. It was the best day of my life and I'm not exaggerating.
3) Potom ho zbičovali kočeným bičem. Then they whipped him with a leather whip.
4) Co mám dělat? Chce se mi zvracet. What shall I do? I feel like throwing up.
5) Ráda sází na koně. She likes betting on horses.
6) Takže tě vyhodili kvůli mně? So they fired you because of me?
7) Přestaň si cucat palec! Stop sucking your thumb!
8) Obvykle má úžasné fotky. He´s got usually breathtaking photos.
9) Jste dost dobří studenti! You are pretty good students!
10) Nebuď takový slaboch! Don´t be such a sissy!
11) Co tím myslíš? What do you mean by that?
12) Měla malé, úhledné písmo. She had small, neat handwriting.
13) Snažil se ji uklidnit. He tried to soothe her.
14) Chtěli jsme si rezervovat pokoj, ale nebylo volno. We wanted to book a room but there were no vacancies.
white trash - white people who are poor and badly educated (in the USA)
úterý 17. dubna 2007
sobota 14. dubna 2007
sobota 7. dubna 2007
sobota 31. března 2007
úterý 20. března 2007
sobota 17. března 2007
sobota 10. března 2007
neděle 25. února 2007
úterý 13. února 2007
úterý 6. února 2007
sobota 3. února 2007
úterý 9. ledna 2007
sobota 6. ledna 2007
1. Don´t yell at me!
2. Do you know that freak?
3. She never gossiped.
4. A mobile phone is such a handy thing that...
5. Watch out!
6. Tell us the spooky story!
7. I feel like yawning.
8. Snowflakes were melting in her hair.
9. She fancies you.
10. Fix some sandwiches for us!
11. Don´t overeat! You´ll be sick!
12. Stop that giggling at the back!
13. Women should never hitchhike on their own.
14. She shouted at him that he was a queer.
15. She married Peter but he cheated on her.
1. Don´t yell at me!
2. Do you know that freak?
3. She never gossiped.
4. A mobile phone is such a handy thing that...
5. Watch out!
6. Tell us the spooky story!
7. I feel like yawning.
8. Snowflakes were melting in her hair.
9. She fancies you.
10. Fix some sandwiches for us!
11. Don´t overeat! You´ll be sick!
12. Stop that giggling at the back!
13. Women should never hitchhike on their own.
14. She shouted at him that he was a queer.
15. She married Peter but he cheated on her.
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